Django 5.2 RC1, Python 3.14 Alpha, and New Security Discussions
Django Form Basics, Creating Open Graphs, DRF Video Series, and more.
Django 5.1.7, 5.0.13, and 4.2.20, uv-based projects, ditching Django admin, using PostGIS in Django, and more.
DjangoCon Europe/Africa news, Steering Council updates, custom user model tutorial, and more.
Django 5.2 beta 1 release, DjangoCongress JP live stream, NoSQL benefits, jobs, and new projects
Python 3.14.0 alpha 5, Django in government, pytest guide, MongoDB quickstart, and more.
Django 5.1.6 bugfix release, Python 3.13.2 and 3.12.9, official MongoDB backend support, DjangoCon Africa CFP, and more.
Database indexing, intro to Django views, and using LLMs for Python development.
Tailwind CSS v4.0, Wagtail headless survey results, Google Summer of Code Ideas & Mentors, and more.
Djangonaut Space Session 4 Applications Open, Django 5.2 alpha 1 release, a note from the Steering Council, and more.