The Django News newsletter is a weekly publication that delivers the latest updates and news from the Django and Python communities. Our goal is to keep our subscribers informed about the latest project releases, articles, tutorials, videos, event updates, and upcoming projects.

Who reads Django News?

Our newsletter has a large and engaged audience, with 4,130 active email subscribers and an impressive open (59%) and click rate (29%).

Advertising with Django News

Are you looking to promote your business to a broader audience?

Our newsletter reaches a large, engaged audience, and we always want to expand our reach. Your ad will be featured not only in our newsletter but also on our website and social media accounts, where it can be seen by thousands of additional readers who might stumble upon it. Django News offers monthly (five weeks for $800) and weekly rates ($200 per week); we only have two ads per newsletter.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about how sponsorship could work for your organization, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you achieve your advertising goals and get your message out to our audience.

Next available dates for sponsorship are


  • Sponsored Link 2

    Purchase 5 weeks for the price of 4, aka $1000 (save $250).

  • Sponsored Link 1

    Purchase 5 weeks for the price of 4, aka $1000 (save $250).


Contact us to learn more about our advertising rates.

Previous Sponsors

  • Revsys
  • Adam's Web Services Ltd
  • Spark Advisors
  • Amazon Smile
  • Django Chat
  • Digital Ocean
  • Django for Beginners
  • Django for Professionals