Securely Deploy a Django app, adventures in unit testing, and how to optimize Tailwind CSS in Django.
Python 3.9.8 and 3.11.0a2, PyCon US 2022 CFPs, Django ORM under the hood, lesser known PostgreSQL features, Wagtail 2.15.1, and more.
💯 Django for Beginners book 3.2 update, custom tags and filters in templates, fallback offline page, and more.
Profiling a Django app, articles on testing, schedule project, and more.
Python Developers survey, Pscyopg 3.0 released, Django + GitHub actions, and more.
DjangoCon US Last Call, Wagtail Bug Fixes, PyCon US 2022, FlaskCon 2021, podcast, and more.
A look at Python 3.10, Django Fellows Reports, ViewSets with Django REST Framework, and more.
Django 4.0 test features, tutorials on templates and DRF, Django for Everybody videos, and more.
Tips on Celery, decoupling your app from the OS with Docker, and more.
Bulk updates with Django and htmx, PyCon AU 2021 videos online, user file management, and more.