Django security releases issued: 4.0.2, 3.2.12, and 2.2.27
Multiple security updates in this release. We encourage all users of Django to upgrade as soon as possible.
Want to host DjangoCon Europe 2023?
If you have ever wanted to host and run DjangoCon Europe, the DSF welcomes your proposal.
Black (22.1.0) is out of beta
At long last, Black is no longer a beta product! This is the first non-beta release and the first release covered by a new stability policy. Django has committed to incorporating Black once this milestone was reached per DEP 8.
Google sponsors Wagtail CMS's next-generation web content management experience
When Google saw the roadmap of enhancements ahead for Wagtail, they realized how much their team will benefit and decided to provide $150,000 of corporate sponsorship to accelerate the development effort.
Open Source Credit Survey
The University of Vermont team is conducting a survey about how people receive credit for the tasks they do as part of open source projects.
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Build and Handle POST Requests in Django – Part 3
RealPython's series on building out a social network with Django, this time focusing on models, POST requests, and styled templates.
Build and Submit HTML Forms With Django – Part 4
All about forms and user UI in the last of this 4-part series on building a social network with Django.
How to Set Up Source Maps with Django
Source maps are files that map your minified CSS or JavaScript back to the original code. They allow you to use your browser’s development tools to debug minified code as if it were the original. This post looks at how source maps fit into Django’s static files infrastructure.
How to keep up with web development without falling into despair
Wise words on how to maintain a career in web development without becoming overwhelmed.
Trends and Insights
Trends and Insights for the first week of February 2022
🗑 Apple is officially removing Python 2.7 in the next version of macOS Monterey 12.3. This means that macOS will no longer ship with Python. As Tom Eastman points out, "Python 2 has been deprecated for fourteen years."
🔥 pip 22.0 broke pip-tools this week.
🏎 The Django developers are exploring using Python __slots__
in a couple of key template classes, which should help improve render times and memory usage.
🚫 David Smith points out that it's never OK to open an issue with "Is this project dead?"
♻️ Oliver Andrich started an interesting discussion about How green are programming languages?, which led to a few interesting studies that pointed out that compiled languages and Java tend to be more green than interpreted languages.
📊 Ned Letcher shared an image of an in-progress grid that visualizes Python project tools. The tweet kicked off several discussions and updates.
💯 This week we learned that the render_crispy_form() function django-crispy-forms is very useful when working with #htmx.
Wagtail Space US 2022 (hybrid event)
Wagtail Space is officially happening March 24th - 26th, as a hybrid event.
Tickets | Django Day Copenhagen 2022
The annual conference is occurring on April 8th this year. Free online streaming and early bird tickets available until March 1st.
Programmatically creating Documents in Wagtail
How to generate PDFs, spreadsheets, Word docs etc on-the-fly in Wagtail and have them available in the Documents section of the Admin interface.
Entrevistas DEFNA - Katia Lira (Presidenta de DEFNA)
An interview (in Spanish) with Katia Lira, the President of the Django Events Foundation of North America (DEFNA) which runs DjangoCon US each year.
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Stay secure with CodeStasis
Keep your old Django install secure with our backported patches fixing security vulnerabilities and data loss bugs. Django 1.8 and up available now at Get notified when 1.6 and 1.7 are released.
CodeStasis is free for personal use and a paid subscription for businesses.
Django Chat #107: Django Testing and Debugging with Karen Tracey
Karen is a developer and co-owner at Caktus Group, a former DSF Board member, and author of the book Django Testing and Debugging. We discuss her PhD computing background, auto-scaling large sites, JavaScript front-ends, and more.
Python Podcast #349: Improve Your Productivity By Investing In Developer Experience Design For Your Projects
Adam Johnson, author of the new book Boost Your Django DX, is the guest to talk about all things Django and developer experience.