Python Software Foundation: We are hiring contract developers to build new features in PyPI
The Python Software Foundation has funding available for designing, developing and deploying organization accounts in PyPI.
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Instructions to Deploy Django, Django Channels to AWS
A helpful step-by-step guide to deploying Django on AWS with an RDS database, environment variables, S3 storage for static/media files, and some debugging tips.
The Hypermedia-Driven Application Architecture
The Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA) architecture is a new/old approach to building web applications. It combines the simplicity & flexibility of traditional Multi-Page Applications (MPAs) with the better user experience of Single-Page Applications (SPAs).
Trends and Insights
Trends and Insights for February 18th
🏈 If you are curious about what Super Bowl LVI traffic looks like, Cloudflare gave us all the details.
📈 Python Package Index (PyPI) was trending this week and announced that they served 126,545,477,066 downloads in 2021.
🔒 If you upload packages to the PyPI, do you have Two Fator Auth (2FA) enabled?
📅 DjangoCon US is back in San Diego, CA, October 16-21.
💬 Mike Driscoll started a discussion about your favorite feature in #Django and add-on package?
San Diego Python Users Group - Virtual Meetup (2/24/22)
Three talks on creating a REST API with Django Rest Framework, Django REST with Machine Learning, and designing as a developer.
PyTexas 2022 Schedule is live!
The PyTexas 2022 Schedule is live and features several friendly Django developers.
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Stay secure with CodeStasis
Keep your old Django install secure with our backported patches fixing security vulnerabilities and data loss bugs. Django 1.8 and up available now at Get notified when 1.6 and 1.7 are released.
CodeStasis is free for personal use and a paid subscription for businesses.
Django Chat #108: Django Deployments with Eric Matthes
Eric is the author of the new django-simple-deploy package which provides Django deployment in three steps. We discuss the deployment learning cliff, the ideal hosting platform, and maintaining his bestselling book Python Crash Course.
Real Python Podcast: Improving Your Django and Python Developer Experience
Adam Johnson is the guest to talk about his new book, Boost Your Django DX.
The Changelog #479: Principles for Hiring Engineers
Features Jacob Kaplan-Moss talking about his recent work sample tests series.
Django-Reactive integrates react-jsonschema-form in your Django project as a form field