PyPI Organization Account Roadmaps
PyPI is looking for users who would be interested in participating in user interviews (25-30 minutes or less and would take place every 2 weeks.)
PSF News: PSF Welcomes New Executive Director Deb Nicholson
The Python Software Foundation (PSF), the non-profit home of the Python programming language community, welcomes Deb Nicholson as its new Executive Director.
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How to Squash and Rebase a Git Branch
It can be tiresome to rebase feature branches with many commits. Adam Johnson shows how rebase and squash commits together.
XSS Filter Evasion - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
This article is focused on providing application security testing professionals with a guide to assist in Cross Site Scripting testing. You are guaranteed to find a few dozen that you have never seen before.
Those HTML Attributes You Never Use
Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some lesser-known HTML attributes that you may find helpful enough to use in your projects.
Running minor tasks with a simple job system in Django
A code walkthrough of setting up a simple job system in Django and then running it periodically as needed.
Deploying a Django Application to Elastic Beanstalk
This tutorial shows how to deploy a Django Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
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Building Intelligent Space Infrastructure
Cognitive Space is building intelligent infrastructure for the new space domain with Python at the core. We are looking for passionate Python developers in backend, dev ops, and machine learning. 🖖
A custom Django user that authenticates via email. Follows identity and authentication best practices.
A field level translation library that allows you to store strings in multiple languages for fields in Django.