Get PyCharm, Support Django
Until June 20, you can purchase PyCharm Pro at 30% off, with all of the proceeds being donated to the Django Software Foundation.
Python Developers Survey 2021: Python is everywhere
The results of the fifth official annual Python Developers Survey are now available.
Python Insider: Python 3.10.5 is available
Python 3.10.5 is a bugfix release with more than 230 bugfixes and docs changes.
Tailwind CSS v3.1 was released
Tailwind CSS v3.1 adds variants, adds better support for importing existing CSS, and adds dozens of new features and bug fixes.
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Fit Django perfectly with Kubernetes
Hurricane is an initiative to fit Django perfectly with Kubernetes. It allows you to make use of many django standard features to leverage the capabilities of Kubernetes to its fullest extent.
Django: How to send email without Celery
Lightweight emails without Celery. And without a request-response cycle.
Django Compressor Tutorial
A look at using django-compressor
, django-htmlmin, and
memcached` to compress and optimize static files.
Raising exceptions or returning error objects in Python
A look at code for doing email address verification via magic links in emails and related refactoring around exceptions and errors.
Handling Concurrency Without Locks
Haki Benita walks us through how to build a Concurrency-friendly and lock-free URL shortener.
DjangoCon US Talks I’d Like to See: 2022 Edition
Friday, June 10th AOE is the last day to submit your DjangoCon US talk and tutorial proposals. Jeff wrote up some last-minute talk ideas that he'd like to see. Please note that they will be accepting an additional ten prerecorded talks if travel isn't your thing.
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Affordable Heroku-like experience for Django.
Spin up a production-ready Django application, Postgres DB, and Redis in 5 minutes on AWS, DO, or any other provider.
Read The Docs - Eric Holscher
Eric is the co-founder of Read the Docs and the Write the Docs Conferences. He is also a former Python Software Foundation Board Member and Chair of the Funding Working Group. We discuss Read the Docs's origins as a Django Dash project, Ethical Ads, Sphinx, and more.
Selects tests affected by changed files. Executes the right tests first. Continuous test runner when used with pytest-watch.