Wagtail CMS in Action
Kalob Taulien is the author of Learn Wagtail and many other great courses. His new book, Wagtail CMS in Action, is in progress and available for 40% off now. You can read the first two chapters for free.
Help us test system trust stores in Python
If you're an IT or software team that uses Python along with corporate system certificates, an internal CA, or an internal PyPI repository: please read on to help improve Python.
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Lightweight Javascript Framework Review (For Django Developers)
If you were curious about lightweight javascript frameworks, then this is the comprehensive post for you which includes:
- Phoenix LiveView
- Laravel Livewire
- Hotwire (Turbo, Stimulus)
- StimulusReflex
- Catalyst
- Unpoly
- Alpine.js
- Django Reactor
- Django Unicorn
- django-sockpuppet
- Tetra
Python Package Manager Shootout
Our friends at Lincoln Loop built out a benchmark for Python Package managers.
Don't prematurely squash/rebase and force push your PRs
If you are frustrated at working with squash/rebase pull requests, this is the article for you.
Announcing the DjangoCon US 2022 Schedule!
The DjangoCon US 2022 talk, tutorial, and sprint schedule is now out. Both in-person and online tickets are available.
Hosting a Wagtail site on Digital Ocean with CapRover
This tutorial walks us through creating a Docker-friendly Wagtail website that ends with launching the website on Digital Ocean using CapRover.
Build a Flashcards App with Django
Build a Django flashcards app that replicates a spaced repetition system, which can boost your learning potential.
Building Django app with REST Framework API, OpenAPI 3 definitions with drf-spectacular
This tutorial walks us through creating a Django app, DRF API, and using drf-spectacular to create OpenAPI 3 definitions in preparation for generating python and client-side TypeScript code for interfacing with the application.
How to create a Python package in 2022
An in-depth guide to creating a Python package that includes changelog management, pre-commit hooks, and even automated publishing to PyPI.
90 Talks and Tutorials from 2022 Python Web Conference Released
A recap on the 4th annual Python Web Conference and links to all 90 videos available for free.
An Audio Validator for Django with MIME type checking the magic number signatures.
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We are booking for the Fall and have a few August sponsorship inventory weeks available and would love to feature your job, product, service, or project. Availability, prices, and details are available here.