Wagtail roadmap priorities 2020
We're reviewing our roadmap for the next 12 months and we'd love your input. If you use Wagtail, please help shape our plans.
PyCon US 2020 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is cancelled
The PSF’s priority is the health and safety of the community and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has made it unsafe to hold PyCon US this year.
Using Django Check Constraints to Ensure Only One Field Is Set
From Adam Johnson, a demonstration of using check constraints in a Django model.
How Eldarion Works Remotely — Eldarion Blog
Notes on working remotely from a leading Django consultancy.
East Meets West When Translating Django Apps
Notes from a PyCascades 2020 talk on using Django's built-in translation app.
How to restrict access with Django Permissions
A look at the various ways to implement Django permissions.
Designing a User-Friendly ML Platform with Django
Creating a Django web interface for an existing Machine Learning platform.
LearnDjango - Trailing URL Slashes in Django
A look at Django's APPEND_SLASH setting which automatically adds a trailing slash to URL paths if the user doesn't add one themself.
Introduction to SQLAlchemy ORM for Django Developers
A robust comparison of Django's ORM to SQLAlchemy, typically used with Flask.
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Django Chat - Google Summer of Code with Sage Abdullah
Sage was a 2019 Google Summer of Code student and contributed cross-db JSONField support coming in Django 3.1. We discuss his background in programming and advice for future student contributors.
PythonBytes #168 - Featuring Kojo Idrissa
A discussion of Pipenv, virtualenv, and PyCon with Kojo Idrissa.
alpinejs/alpine: A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
Alpine.js is a great JS framework to have in your toolbox when you don't need a big framework like Vue or React yet shares a similar syntax with Vue. The best part is that you can start using it by linking to a CDN version without having to configure or compile anything.
jamesturk/django-honeypot: 🍯 Generic honeypot utilities for use in django projects.
Provides template tags, view decorators, and middleware to add and verify honeypot fields to forms.
hartwork/django-createsuperuserwithpassword: Django management command to create usable super users, programmatically
Django management command to programmatically create usable super users. This is great for local Docker development, but please skip for production.