DjangoCon US 2023 Call for Proposals (CFP) is open!
Submit your proposal by May 15, 2023 and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.
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Get support for your developers from our team of Wagtail experts: from reviewing your Wagtail set-up and planning complex features, to code reviews, pair programming and more. We offer a range of plans, special pricing for charities and universities, and profits are invested in Wagtail product development.
Formatting Gone Wrong
Using black
to format your Python code is usually a good idea but can sometimes cause unexpected errors. A case study on when this happens in Django around API keys.
Python is two languages now, and that's actually great
A look at how both untyped and typed Python are used these days.
Single host Django and Docker deployment
A good starting point for a "minimum viable deployment strategy" with new Django projects.
Using pyproject.toml in your (Django) project
How and why to use pyproject.toml
in your Django projects instead of older options like
Django: How to profile and improve startup time
Adam Johnson shows us to profile and potentially shave seconds off your Django app's startup time.
DjangoCon US 2023 Opportunity Grant Applications Are Open
Opportunity grants help encourage and facilitate the participation of those who otherwise might not be able to attend the conference. They can be used for conference-related expenses like travel, lodging, etc. Applications are open until May 15.
Deploying a Django App to Azure App Service
A look at how to securely deploy a Django app to Azure App Service, including the use of a custom domain.
BugBytes: Django and HTMX #21 - WebSocket Notifications with the HTMX WebSocket Extension
A look at how to use HTMX's WebSocket extension with Django to create a notification system.
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Register for Python Web Conf Today!
Join Djangonauts from around the world for the 5th annual Python Web Conference (March 13-17). Tickets include 5 days, 65+ live talks, expert-led tutorials, social events, an exclusive pass to all conference recordings for 90 days, cool swag and more. Don’t wait, buy your ticket today!
Django Chat #134: Dev Environments - Calvin Hendryx-Parker
Calvin is the co-founder of Six Feet Up, a Django consultancy that also runs the upcoming online Python Web Conference. We discuss ideal developer environments, Apache Airflow, Kubernetes, testing, and more.
python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml) and many utilities...
Interesting open-source project to collate beers in the Huntsville, AL area.