DjangoCon Europe 2024 CFP Now Open
The Call for Proposals (CFP) is open now, and will be until midnight on February 29th.
django CMS 4.1 is here! - django CMS
django CMS 4.1 brings a brand new approach to content management. Bringing version control, improved front end editing and configurable content creation workflows.
Updates to Django
Django didn't stop for the holidays! Last week we had 19 pull requests merged by 13 different contributors - including 5 first time contributors! Congratulations to Salvo Polizzi,, Rigoberto Villalta, Paul Bailey, and Mohammad Yameen for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!
Last week a new feature landed in Django 5.1. F()
and OuterRef()
expressions that output CharField, EmailField,
SlugField, URLField, TextField, or ArrayField can now be sliced! See the docs on
Slicing F() expressions for more details.
To quote Nick Pope: "Maybe after 5 years, 5 pull requests, and 6 authors we're finally there... 😅".
Congratulations and thank you to Nick Pope, Priyansh Saxena, Niclas Olofsson, David Smith, Mariusz Felisiak and Abhinav Yadav for their work on this feature. 💚
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We can help you with your project as experienced Django developers and consultants. Follow our open-source projects on GitHub at to see what we're working on and how we can support you.
The simplest way to build an instant messaging app with Django
This tutorial demonstrates a simple way to add async, real-time events with Django.
DjangoConUS 2023: A Wish Fulfilled
A detailed look at attending DjangoCon US 2023 for the first time, giving a talk, and all the outside opportunities to connect with members of the Django community.
Upgrade your Django project from 3.2 to 4.2 FAST!
While you were all smug in the comfort of Django's long term support (LTS), Django has been marching on. It's two years later and support for Django 3.2 is running out! ⌛
DjangoCon US 2023: Modern editing experience for your Django models with Wagtail
Learn how to benefit from powerful content-management features (such as: saving revisions, managing live/draft versions, moderating content, and more) for your Django models by integrating Wagtail CMS into your project.
DjangoCon US 2023: HTML-ivating your Django web app's experience with HTMX, AlpineJS, and streaming HTML
Many Python developers who build web applications rely on JavaScript-heavy Single-Page Applications (SPAs) to achieve dynamic user experiences. However, these SPAs have challenges, including increased complexity, slower load times, and complicated build pipelines. But an alternative approach exists that delivers an exceptional user experience without the drawbacks of SPAs!
Django-Ninja APIs - Modern API Development in Django
A video on building an API using Django-Ninja to fetch devices, locations, and assign a location to a device.
Sponsored Link 2 Full-stack Django with HTMX and Tailwind
Modernize your Django application with the agility of HTMX and the elegance of Tailwind CSS!
Enhance your Django developer experience: CLI and Guides for the Modern Django Developer.

Django Chat Bingo
As a fun year-end meme, Stephanie Goulet created a Django Chat podcast bingo sheet for any who listen.