Djangonauts Space Session 2 Applications Open!
Applications are now open for the next 8-week group mentoring program, where individuals will work self-paced in a semi-structured learning environment.
If you want to work with Jeff on Django Packages, he is mentoring a team this session.
Django Developers Survey 2023 Results
The results of the Django Developers Survey 2023, which is a collaborative effort between the Django Software Foundation and PyCharm, are in!
10th anniversary of Django Girls Survey
Speaking of surveys, Django Girls and JetBrains have teamed up to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Django Girls with a survey that is complete with prizes.
Updates to Django
Today 'Updates to Django' is presented by Raffaella Suardini from Djangonaut Space!
Last week we had 9 pull requests merged into Django by 9 different contributors - including 3 first-time contributors! Congratulations to Mohammad Kazemi, Jason K Hall and Eyal Cherevatsky for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!
Coming in Django 5.0.5, a bug fix with GeneratedField
, preventing crashes when applying migrations, especially those involving the argument db_index=true
Application for Djangonaut Space Open 🚀
I'm thrilled to announce that the second session of Djangonaut Space is open. You can read about past impressions and submit your application here.
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Free Trial of Scout APM Today!
Need answers to your Django app questions fast? Avoid the hassle of talking with a sales rep and the long wait times of large support teams, and choose Scout APM. Get Django insights in less than 4 minutes with Scout APM.
Announcing py2wasm: A Python to Wasm compiler · Blog · Wasmer
py2wasm converts your Python programs to WebAssembly, running them at 3x faster speeds
How I organize `staticfiles` in my Django projects
Tips for configuring static files when using a framework like Tailwind.
🐳 GitHub Actions Cleaning up old Docker container images
Jeff wrote up some notes on how to use GitHub Actions to clean up old container images.
Sending email in Django using GMail
Did you know you can use GMail for free, low-volume email sending?
Django: Pinpoint upstream changes with Git
How to use Django's Git repository to search the commits between versions of Django rather than just relying on release notes.

DjangoCon US: Early-bird tickets now on sale!
DjangoCon US tickets are on sale. Early-bird individual tickets are $160 off, and early-bird corporate tickets are $100 off through May or until they sell out. Buy your ticket sooner and save a little before they are all gone!
Please note: DjangoCon US's CFP and Opportunity Grants have been extended through Monday, April 29th at 12 PM EDT. Check their website for updates.
Learn to use Websockets with Django by building your own ChatGPT
Everything you need to know about websockets to use them in your applications, with Django, channels, and HTMX.
Django 2024: The Latest Development Trends
We’ll take you through the latest Django Developers Survey results based on responses from 4,000 Django developers worldwide.
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Boost Your Django DX, now updated for Django 5.0
Adam Johnson just updated this DX book with new content, a bunch of edits, and the latest versions of tools, including Python 3.12 and Django 5.0. Rated 5 stars with over 1,000 readers.
django-allauth 0.62.0 released
With close to a dozen noteworthy changes, including adding support for logging in by email using a special code, also known as "Magic Code Login," Django-all auth 0.62.0 and 0.62.1 are worth checking out.
Simple library for exploring/scraping the web or testing a website you’re developing.
🌷 Spring Newsletter Sponsorships
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Full information is available on the sponsorship page.