Python Insider: Python 3.12.4 released
3.12.4 is the latest maintenance release, containing more than 250 bugfixes, build improvements and documentation changes since 3.12.3.
PSF News: It’s time to make nominations for the PSF Board Election!
This year’s Board Election Nomination period is now open and closes on June 25th
PSF News: For your consideration: Proposed bylaws changes to improve our membership experience
The PSF has proposed three bylaw changes to improve our membership experience.
Updates to Django
Today 'Updates to Django' is presented by Raffaella Suardini from Djangonaut Space!
Last week we had 4 pull requests merged into Django by 2 different contributors - including 1 first-time contributor! Congratulations to Ismael for having their first commits merged into Django during DjangoCon Europe 🏰 - welcome on board!
DjangoCon Europe has just ended and during the sprints, 17 new PRs were opened. Thank you all for your commitment!
This year, we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of Django Girls+. You can watch the celebration video here. It's wonderful to celebrate and look back at the steps we've taken so far. Yay!
Django Enhancement Proposal 14 (DEP-14) has been approved, introducing a standardized interface for long-running background tasks in Django. Thank you Jake for this incredible work 🎊
Wagtail CMS
DjangoCon Europe 2024 bird’s-eye view 🐦️
Core team member Thibaud Colas shares some of the best moments of DjangoConEU 2024.
Django from first principles, part 8
The eighth post in a series about building a full Django project, starting with a single file. This time styling the blogs page and collecting static files into one directory.
File Uploads with Django & DRF
How to build a file API using the Django REST Framework. It also details how to connect Django to a cloud storage backend for production-grade systems where you're deploying many Django servers.
Optimizing Test Execution: Running live_server Tests Last with Pytest
Optimizing Test Execution: Running live_server Tests Last with Pytest.
Optimal SQLite settings for Django
Recommended settings for Django web apps using SQLite after thorough research, testing, and trial and error.
Django Day Copenhagen 2024
Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting up for the second edition of Django Day Copenhagen on October 4, 2024.
Python Web Apps: Django
Pamela Fox from Microsoft with a 90 minute deep dive into Django, the ORM, admin, and more.
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The Python Show #44: Django with Will Vincent
A discussion about Python and Django featuring favorite packages, Django vs other web frameworks, what's new in Django 5.0, AI, and more.
Episode 4: with Jessica Tegner
Learn about Jessica Tegner from Denmark to hear about her journey in technology, from modding Minecraft games into becoming an open source maintainer.
The Real Python Podcast #207: Decomposing Software Problems & Avoiding the Trap of Clever Code
Covering What’s New in Django 5.1, django-web-components, and more.
Caddy 2.8 is here! With hundreds of improvements, Caddy is more scalable and capable than ever before.