
Updates to Django

Today 'Updates to Django' is presented by Raffaella Suardini from Djangonaut Space!

Last week we had 14 pull requests merged into Django by 10 different contributors - including 2 first-time contributors! Congratulations to Jeremy Thompson and Lucas Esposito for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!

Django 5.2 is introducing new form widgets:

  • A new class django.forms.TelInput, for telephone numbers, renders as <input type="tel" ...>.
  • A new class django.forms.ColorInput, for entering a color in rrggbb hexadecimal format, renders as <input type='color' ...>. Some browsers support a visual color picker interface for this input type.
  • A new class django.forms.SearchInput, for entering search queries, renders as <input type="search" ...>

Additionally, Django 5.2 includes an improvement where the attribute SafeExceptionReporterFilter.hidden_settings now treats values as sensitive if their name includes AUTH.

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