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PyPI has drastically improved its malware response times, resolving 90% of issues in under 24 hours and removing 900 projects since March 2024.
Updates to Django
Today 'Updates to Django' is presented by Lilian from Djangonaut Space!
Last week we had 12 pull requests merged into Django by 9 different contributors - including 2 first-time contributors! Congratulations to Marc Picaud and Mohammad Salehi for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!
News in Django 5.2:
- Added support for validation of model constraints which use a GeneratedField.
- The new Expression.set_returning attribute specifies that the expression contains a set-returning function, enforcing subquery evaluation. This is necessary for many Postgres set-returning functions.
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Django for Beginners, Fifth Edition
The fifth edition covering Django 5.x is now available! It includes loads of new content, including sections on Django architecture, a new Company Website project, full coverage of function-based and class-based views, testing, and a revised deployment guide.
Django UserProfile Model
How to set up a UserProfile
model and a custom user model in your next Django project for maximum future flexibility.
Limiting Content Types in a Django Model
This article looks at how to limit the content types in a Django model.
uv: Unified Python packaging
Today, the Astral team released a huge new release, uv 0.3.0, which adds a bewildering array of new features as part of their attempt to build "Cargo, for Python."
Custom Error Messages on Model Deletion in the Django Admin
A way to avoid accidentally deleting models.
Creating rows for django-tables2 with HTMX
A detailed look with code at using HTMX with tables in a production Django app.
A First-Timer's Guide to Navigating America
If you are new to international travel to the United States of America, the DjangoCon US organizers have some good advice for what to expect and how to be as prepared as one can be.
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Django Forum
Preparing for the 6.x series Steering Council Election
A discussion led by Carlton Gibson about potential rule changes for the next Steering Council Election.
Extension for the Django admin panel that allows passing additional parameters to actions by creating intermediate pages with forms.