Python Release Python 3.8.4
The fourth maintenance release for Python 3.8 with new features and optimizations.
Python Software Foundation News: Pip team midyear report
The grant-funded team working on improvements to pip in 2020 has now passed the halfway mark. Here's an update on where are so far and what's next.
Invalid HTTP_HOST header errors in Django and Nginx
An overview and fix for the common issue of Invalid HTTP_HOST header errors when running behind Nginx.
Pure serverless Django with django-gcloud-connectors
Katie McLaughlin on configuring Django with the non-relational Google Datastore.
Beyond the Cache with Python and Redis
A look at using Redis for caching, sub/pub events, data streaming, as a search engine, and even a primary database.
Tickets are pay what you want for PyCon Africa 2020
Tickets available for the online conference August 4-8, 2020.
San Francisco Django Virtual Meetup on July 23rd
There is less than one week left before this virtual Django Meetup.
Django Log In with Email not Username
Update the default username/email/password pattern on login/signup with just email/password using a custom user model and django-allauth.
How to Use psql in Docker Compose
If you run Postgres under Docker, odds are you will eventually need to run psql. This tutorial is a nice intro.
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Speed Up Your Django Tests
Are you bored of waiting for " test" to finish? Read this book while you wait! It has many tips and tricks that apply to all projects, big and small, and it covers both Django's test framework and pytest.
Django Chat #72 - Django 3.1 Preview with Mariusz Felisiak
Django Fellow Mariusz Felisiak joins us to discuss the new features in Django 3.1, including async views/middleware/tests, cross-db JSONFields, improved admin, the addition of pathlib, and more.
Django Chat #73 - Summer Break
Carlton and Will take the rest of the summer off. Expect new episodes, guests, and topics this September.
Simon Willison - Data Journalism, The Importance of Side Projects
Django co-creator, Simon Willison, discusses the importance of Side Projects, his early days working on Django in Lawrence, Kansas, and his Datasette project.
Adds Content-Security-Policy headers to Django. See Adam Johnson's post How to Score A+ For Security Headers on your Django Website for more information.
Set the draft security HTTP header Feature-Policy
on your Django app.
A subscription and recurrent billing application for Django.