Wagtail 2.10 Released
A major new release with a configurable workflow system, full page and site history, a design overhaul of the page editor, Django 3.1 support, search query expressions, bulk redirect importing, and more.
Python Insider: Python 3.9.0rc1 is now available
Python 3.9.0 is almost ready. This release, 3.9.0rc1, is the penultimate release preview.
Deadline to nominate someone for Quarter 3 consideration is August 20, 2020
If you want to recommend someone to be a PSF Fellow, you have until August 20th to do so.
Customize the Django Admin With Python
A guide to updating the default Django admin in multiple ways.
How to Modernize a Django Index Definition with Zero Downtime by Adam Johnson
Upgrade to the newer meta
way of maintaining Django model indexes.
Distributed Locking in Django
An overview of distributed locking, often required when an application scales out horizontally.
Django Boston August 2020 Virtual Event
Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky will present "Rapid Prototyping in Django," a distilled set of lessons and recommendations for how to build a functional Django website in 2 days and not regret it later.
Dynamically Add Forms in Django with Formsets and JavaScript
This tutorial demonstrates how multiple copies of a form can be dynamically added to a page and processed using Django formsets and JavaScript.
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Learn beginner to advanced Django
Learn beginner to advanced Django from Daniel "pydanny" Feldroy, co-author of Two Scoops of Django in live, online, interactive classes where students are encouraged to ask questions. Use discount code "django-news" to get 10% off all courses.
Ecommerce website built with Django 2.2.3, Python 3.7.3, Stripe and AWS
Django-Ecommerce is more a demo than a framework but it's a nice example of building a fashion e-commerce website with Django and Stripe.
Django SecretsManager is a package that helps you manage the secrets used by Django through various services.
This is a simple realisation of StreamField's idea from Wagtail CMS for plain Django admin or with Grappelli skin.
Shameless Plugs
All three books in the series--Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals--have been updated to Django 3.1.