Announcement of Technical Board Election Registration
There is an upcoming Django Technical Board election. All current DSF Members are automatically registered for this election. If you are not a DSF Member but would like to vote in this election there is a form to fill out.
GitHub Changelog: Set the default branch for newly-created repositories
GitHub now allows you to change your default branch name for newly-created repositories.
PSA: On October 1, 2020, GitHub is changing the default from master to main.
Administer All the Things
The next in a series by Matt Layman, this in-depth tutorial focuses on the Django admin.
Python Tools for Managing Virtual Environments
A comprehensive look at the multiple ways to manage Python virtual environments.
Test Elasticsearch in Django Without Mocking
Use Django and pytest to test Elasticsearch without mocking.
PyCon AU / DjangoCon AU 2020 - Sept. 4th – 6th, 2020
PyConline AU and DjangoCon AU are one week away!
Deploying a Production-ready Django app on AWS
A comprehensive guide to deploying a Django app from start to finish using AWS and EC2.
Tech Tips: How to get the best from your remote presentation
Some tech tips on how to get the best from your remote presentation - practical examples about microphones, webcams, lighting, resolutions, and how to get the most from what you already have.
Database Performance Tips with Django
From JetBrains, how to squeeze out performance from your Django-powered database.
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Learn beginner to advanced Django
Learn beginner to advanced Django from Daniel "pydanny" Feldroy, co-author of Two Scoops of Django in live, online, interactive classes where students are encouraged to ask questions. Use discount code "django-news" to get 10% off all courses.
Running in Production - Skillwell
Skillwell is video platform with Django that helps you get stronger and be more flexible. It’s hosted on a single $5 / month DigitalOcean server and has been up and running since fall 2019.
A Tailwind CSS component that shows the currently active screen (responsive breakpoint).
I have been using this Tailwind CSS component a lot lately. This component show which breakpoint you are using.
Shameless Plugs
All three books in the series--Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals--have been updated to Django 3.1.