Python 3.8.6 is now available
Python 3.8.6 is a maintenance release. Check out the What's New In Python 3.8 document for more information about features.
Django CMS 3.8.0 RC1 released
The first Django CMS release under a newly founded Django CMS Association. This release focuses on Django 3.1 support.
Django Best Practices: Security
Django security best practices starting with the most important and working down the list.
Docker Github Actions V2
Docker released V2 of their Docker Github Actions which adds some much better build and caching options.
Django and its default values
A dive into how Django's migration system handles default values on model fields.
What is the Value of Browser Diversity?
A thoughtful take on what's lost if one/two browsers dominate.
Using sorl-thumbnail with Redis on Heroku
How to add sorl-thumbnail to a Django project with Redis and deploy on Heroku
Comprehending Class-Based Views in Django - The View Base Class
A look at the base View
class from which all other Class-Based Views are built.
Django Day Copenhagen 2020
Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting up for the second edition of Django Day, to be held on September 25th 2020. It will be a full day of talks, either to be experienced online -or- at our venue with safe social distancing.
Django Boston August 2020 Virtual Event with Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky
Benjamin "Zags" Zagorsky presents "Rapid Prototyping in Django", a distilled set of lessons and recommendations from the projects we've done for how to build a functional Django website in 2 days and not regret it later.
"At The Root : Wagtail + Gatsby + GitPod" - Dawn Wages (PyConline AU 2020)
How to combine headless Wagtail with a Gatsby frontend and Gitpod.
Can you keep a secret?
Techniques to properly store, share, and manage your secrets, as easily as possible, and most importantly without disrupting your workflow.
Running in Production - Collecting and Processing Genomic Data to Help Cure Rare Diseases
Using Django to build an internal tool that helps make sense of ~5 Petabytes of Genomic data that is then made available to clinicians. It’s running across many different AWS resources using ECS Fargate.
feincms3 offers tools and building blocks which make building a CMS that is versatile, powerful and tailor-made at the same time for each project a reachable reality.
A Django application that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and a country field for models.