Django bugfix releases issued: 3.1.3, 3.0.11, and 2.2.17
Now with Python 3.9 support and a number of bug fixes.
MDN Web Docs evolves! Lowdown on the upcoming new platform
Moving from Django to a JAMStack for the next version of MDN web docs, though keeping Django's auth pattern.
Five Advanced Django Tips
A look at Q objects, prefetch/select related, custom query sets, and more.
Understand Django - User Authentication
A look at Django's built-in user authentication system, how auth is set up and what the default User
model is.
DjangoCon US 2020 Virtual
A short video from DjangoCon US participants on what makes the conference so special.
Django SF Virtual Meetup - November 10th
Three deep technical talks on using feature flags, django-capture-on-commit-callbacks, and a view outside the technical bubble by the founder of Bradfield CS.
Get Started With Django Part 3: Django View Authorization
Third part of a tutorial where you learn to add view authorization and restrict access to specific users.
A Quick Guide to Django i18n
A short introduction on how to get started with the Django localization process.
Daughterly Care Is a CRM to Help Care for the Elderly
Daughterly is a custom CRM to help care for the elderly using Django. It runs on AWS with ECS, has 40+ Django apps, and makes heavy use of Celery.
django-cabinet is a media library for Django implemented while trying to write as little code as possible to keep maintenance at a minimum.
django-object-actions is the missing tool for adding extra admin tools and buttons to the Django Admin.
Generic templates to get you up and running with django-registration.