Django security releases (3.2.5 and 3.1.13)
Django versions 3.2.5 and 3.1.13 have been released. They fix one security defect with severity “high." As always, it is strongly recommended to update to the latest version of Django in your projects.
Python 3.9.6, 3.8.11, 3.7.11, and 3.6.14
Python 3.9.6 is the newest major stable release. Python 3.8.11 marks the first security-only release joining 3.7.11 and 3.6.14 in the security-only stage of their life cycles.
How to Start a Production-Ready Django Project
Vitor from shows his approach for organizing Django projects these days.
Built-in Permission Classes in Django Rest Framework
A look at the 7 built-in permission classes in DRF.
How to use Python’s HTTPStatus with Django - Adam Johnson
A look at two different ways to use HTTPStatus in your Django code.
YAGNI exceptions
A look at several You Ain't Gonna Need It exceptions for Django apps. There are some things which really are easier to do earlier than later, and where natural tendencies or a ruthless application of YAGNI might neglect them
DjangoCon US 2021 - Call for Proposals
The online conference runs October 21st - 23rd. CFP closes on July 18.
Django REST Framework series - VItor Freitas
A 5-part introduction to DRF that covers getting started, viewsets, tokens, serializers, and more.
Django Docs
Database access optimization | Django documentation
This is a new section where we highlight particularly well-written sections of the extensive Django docs. This one covers the deep topic of database optimization, including QuerySets and bulk methods.

The Changelog #444: Every commit is a gift with Brett Cannon
Brett is Dev Manager of the Python Extension for VS Code, Python Steering Council Member, and core team member for Python.
Version 0.7.0 was just released of this package adding Markdown support to Wagtail.
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