DjangoCon US is next week!
Thanks to our generous sponsors, DjangoCon US is free, online, and next week, October 22-23. If you would like to attend this year, this is also our last call for tickets.
High Performance Django Is Free Online
Our friends at Lincoln Loop wrote a book, High Performance Django back in 2014, and it's now is now available for free online.
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Building Intelligent Space Infrastructure
Cognitive Space is building intelligent infrastructure for the new space domain with Python at the core. We are looking for passionate Python developers in backend, dev ops, and machine learning. 🖖
Putting Pants On: One Thing We Did Right After 5 Years with Django
A look at various improvements from moving a Django codebase to a monorepo using the Pants build framework.
Tips for debugging with print()
Five tips from Adam Johnson on making the most of out the print()
function to help with debugging.
Worst Case by Tim Bray
What if us-east-1 went down? If you use AWS and default to us-east-1, it might be worth re-thinking that default.
PyCon US 2022 website is live
PyCon US 2022 will be in Salt Lake City, UT from April 27, 2022 - May 5, 2022.
Hosting a Django Project on Heroku
A quite detailed look at all the steps involved in deploying a Django app via Heroku's free tier.
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WANTED: IMPACTFUL Projects for a better world
Space Exploration. Forest fire management. Lightning strike predictions. These are three IMPACTFUL Projects (defined as projects that are impressive, purposeful, transformative and unquestionably benefit humankind) Six Feet Up has had the privilege to work on. Six Feet Up is committed to completing 10 IMPACTFUL Projects by 2025, and the company is well on its way to achieving this goal. Want to work with us? Let’s talk!
Django Chat #99 - with Ned Batchelder
Ned is the creator of
, a longtime organizer of the Boston Python Group, and works at EdX. We discuss what’s changed in Django over the years, his thoughts on testing best practices, and managing a massive codebase.
Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log message generated as part of a request
An app to handle configuration defaults of packaged Django apps gracefully.