A look at Postgres full-text search, 3rd party search packages, and more.
DjangoCon US 2021 CFP Last Call, Python installation guide, DRF custom permission classes, GeoDjango tutorial, and more.
Making sense of settings, implied model relationships, Wagtail bugfixes, new htmx version, and more.
Hear why htmx is so exciting, new Django, new Wagtail, more on automated tests, naming migrations, and more.
DjangoCon US call for proposals, production-ready setup, DRF permissions, and more.
New PSF Directors, Mock your tests, Django search, greening Django, and more.
DjangoCon US 2021 CFP, New Wagtail, PSF News, TailwindCSS 2.2, and much more.
Jazzband joins the PSF, custom relationships in Django, DRF Permissions, cleaning up your test suite, and more.
Add a Webhook receiver to Django, deploy on CloudRun, and a podcast on testing featuring Jeff Triplett.
DjangoCon Europe, understanding sessions, nginx, simpler migrations in deployment, and more.