Django 4.0 released
Django 4.0 has been released! It features built-in Redis support, form rendering using the template engine, and many more features available on the release notes.
Django security releases issued: 3.2.10, 3.1.14, and 2.2.25
This release fixes a security issue around potential bypass of an upstream access control based on URL paths. As ever, updating to the latest version of Django is always highly recommended.
Python 3.10.1 is available
Python 3.10.1 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations.
A message from the PSF's outgoing Executive Director
A note from Ewa Jodlowska, who has been part of the Python community for over a decade.
2022 DSF Board Election Results
The voting results are released for the 2022 Django Software Foundation Board. It was great to see so many candidates since the DSF simply isn't possible without the help of all of our volunteers.
Tailwind CSS v3.0
For a tour of some of the new features, check out the “What’s new in Tailwind CSS v3.0” video. Check out the v2 to v3 upgrade guide.
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Python/Django Backend or Full-Stack Engineer at Fully Remote US-based Tech Consultancy
Contract opportunity that may turn into employment for US-based applicants. Work on a variety of projects in different industries, and enjoy work-life balance, using modern tools and technologies, GraphQL APIs, and solving complex problems while interacting directly with our clients.
Pair Programming
A series on work sample tests from Jacob Kaplan-Moss, this one focuses on how to run a pair programming exercise and what to look for.
Anti-Patterns When Building Container Images
This article lists common, recurring container building anti-patterns and how to fix them.
Free coding lessons for Django Girls alumni from Webucator
Starting January 2022, Webucator is offering free Python, Django, HTML lessons to former Django Girls workshops attendees.
Render Django Form with Tailwind CSS Style
A how-to guide on combining django-crispy-forms
and crispy-tailwind
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ButterCMS melts into your Django app. Try the #1 Headless CMS.
ButterCMS is your content backend. Enable your marketing team to update website + app content without depending on you. Free for 30 days. Try the #1 rated Headless CMS for Django today.
Django Chat #103: Django Stubs with Nikita Sobolev
Nikita is an open-source developer who maintains the Django-stubs package bringing type stubs to Django. We discuss why static typing is so powerful, the benefits of functional programming, and best practices for organizing logic within a Django project.
Helpful Django model mixins and utilities. In particular, TimeStampedModel provides a self-updating created and modified fields on any model that inherits from it.