Django REST Framework 3.13 released
The newest major release of Django REST Framework is out! It includes Django 4.0 compatibility and a host of new features.
Python Software Foundation News: PyPI User Feedback Summary
The PSF conducted a series of three surveys to identify key user requirements that have not been addressed so far. This post summarizes the feedback received and decisions made as a result.
Standalone CLI: Use Tailwind CSS without Node.js
Tailwind CSS CLI gives you the full power of Tailwind ÇSS in a self-contained executable without no Node.js or npm required.
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Director of Engineering at ButterCMS (Headless CMS SaaS Startup) (Remote)
ButterCMS is the #1 rated headless CMS. We exist to make developers' lives better. You will own all technology, run the engineering team, and be responsible for the ButterCMS platform, marketing site, docs, as well as our open source SDKs and starter projects.
Anti-Patterns When Building Container Images
A list of recurring Docker anti-patterns and suggestions to avoid them or refactor them into something better.
The definitive guide to modeling polymorphism in Django
Polymorphism allows you to use one type of object to work with multiple kinds of data. There are multiple ways to model polymorphism in Django as demonstrated in this article.
Why you should check-in your node dependencies by Jack Franklin
From a member of the Chrome DevTools team, an argument for checking the node_modules folder into source control.
Django Chat #104: Listen Notes with Wenbin Fang (Ep 41 Replay)
Listen Notes is a search engine for podcasts powered by Django. It’s founder, Wenbin Fang, joins us to talk about building a one-person internet company, prototyping it over a weekend, and how simple tools scale well.
From Simon Willison, a Cookiecutter template for creating new Click command-line tools.