Django Developers Survey 2022
Please take a moment to fill out the Django Developers Survey 2022 and encourage others in the community to do the same. It really helps guide the direction of the framework.
Last call for DjangoCon US tickets
Last call for DjangoCon US 2022 tickets. Join us virtually this Monday, October 17th, and save 10% on all ticket types.
If you are there in person, say hi to William and Jeff.
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Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals
Level up your Django knowledge with Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, or Django for Professionals. Sample chapters are available to preview for free.
Building a Realtime Chat App with Django Channels and WebSockets
Learn how to build a realtime chat app using Django Channels and WebSockets.
DjangoTricks: How to Rename a Django App
A good guide to renaming existing apps which is a very common occurrence.
To Do List - Part 1: Installing Django - CTRL Z Blog
The first in a very beginner-friendly 8-part series on building a Django To Do app.
Python Type Hints - Lambdas don’t support type hints, but that’s okay
A look at how Mypy can infer the types for lambdas based on where they’re used.
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We’re senior Django developers, ops people, and consultants who have deep and vast experience to pull from. We know what works and what doesn’t. We have been where you are before (probably many times). Let us guide you onto a better path.
Django Chat #124: Django Unicorn with Adam Hill
Adam is a software engineer at The Motley Fool and the author of multiple open source packages including Django Unicorn, Coltrane, minestrone. We discuss his approach to writing software, the perfect settings file set up, and more.