Django Developers Survey 2022 - Last Call
The Django Developers Survey 2022 closes Sunday, October 23rd. Please ensure you have filled it out and encourage others to do the same.
2023 DSF Board Nominations
Applications for the 2023 Django Software Foundation Board of Directors are now open until November 4th. Please consider running.
Nominations for 2022 Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize
The Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize is a monetary prize, awarded annually, to the person who best exemplifies the spirit of Malcolm’s work - someone who welcomes, supports, and nurtures newcomers; freely gives feedback and assistance to others, and helps to grow the community.
Nominations are open until Thursday, October 30th, 2022, AoE.
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Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals
Level up your Django knowledge with Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, or Django for Professionals. Sample chapters are available to preview for free.
12 Factor App Revisited
An illustrated 10 years later look at The Twelve-Factor App methodology and how it holds up today.
Future Proofing SQL with Carefully Placed Errors
A look at maintaining forward/backward compatibility not just with application code but also with SQL itself.
DjangoCon Europe 2022 Porto Videos
Videos are up for the talks from the recent DjangoCon Europe in Porto. We will be featuring several of these talks in the weeks to come but ALL are available online and well worth watching.
DjangoCon Europe 2022 | From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product
Replacing the 2-year-of-work React UI of our SaaS product with simple Django templates and htmx in a couple of months.
DjangoCon Europe 2022 | Hidden gems of Django Admin, Part 1
The Django Admin Panel is a complex and bad-documented tool in the Django that can greatly speed up development if you start to understand it.
DjangoCon Europe 2022 | Experimenting with file-based routing in Django
This talk explores an experiment that implements file-based routing in a Django project similar to widely used JavaScript frameworks like Next.js, NuxtJS, Remix, Gatsby, and SvelteKit.
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We’re senior Django developers, ops people, and consultants who have deep and vast experience to pull from. We know what works and what doesn’t. We have been where you are before (probably many times). Let us guide you onto a better path.