2023 DSF Board Nominations
Applications for the 2023 Django Software Foundation Board of Directors are now open until November 4th. Please consider running.
What does the DSF Board actually do?
An overview of the Django Software Foundation Board and its duties.
Python Release Python 3.11.0
Python 3.11.0 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 1 released
Python 3.12.0a1 is the first of seven planned alpha releases for the next version of Python.
Python Core Development Sprint 2022: 3.11 and beyond!
Overview of a Python 3.11 core sprint. Something we could potentially add to Django itself, too.
django-developers: Changing the role of the Technical Board
Thoughts from Andrew Godwin about the Django Technical Board's future.
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Django Hosting by CodeRed Cloud
At CodeRed, we’re striving to build the world’s easiest Django hosting platform. Go from polls tutorial to production in just a few minutes. Get started with a free account which includes a MariaDB or Postgres database, static + media hosting, and everything you need to run a Django site. No AWS, S3, Docker, or 3rd-party services required!
Tim Schilling: How to have a great DjangoCon
Good advice on attending a DjangoCon, participating, and taking time for yourself as needed during it.
How to implement a “dry run mode” for data imports in Django
In data import processes it’s often useful to have a “dry run” mode, that runs through the process but doesn’t actually save the data. This post shows how to implement a dry run mode in Django by using a database transaction and rolling it back.
Simon Willison's Weeknotes: DjangoCon, SQLite in Django, datasette-gunicorn
Simon Willison's notes on DjangoCon US and benchmarking SQLite in production.
Migrate PostgreSQL ID’s from serial to identity after upgrading to Django 4.1
A post on why you might want to update existing columns from serial types to identity columns, and a management command to update them.
About my proposal for the Django Core Sprints
From Paolo Melchiorre, behind-the-scenes of his proposal for future Django core sprints based on discussion at DjangoCon US 2022.
Call for Volunteers: DjangoCon US 2023
Volunteers make DjangoCons happen. There is documentation on existing roles and expect to hear details on dates and venues for DjangoCon US 2023 within the next month or so.
How to Install Python on a Mac
Solid advice from a Django Ops Team member and Caktus Group co-founder.
Adding a Datasette ASGI app to Django
From a DjangoCon sprint, code for how to run Datasette inside a Django application, talking to the same SQLite databases as Django itself.
Django Riffs #17: Accepting Files
Maybe your app needs to handle files from users like profile pictures. Accepting files from others is tricky to do safely. On this episode, we'll see the tools that Django provides to manage files safely.
Django Girls: Overcoming with Dani Papamaximou
Listen as Dani walks us through her journey. Some of the topics covered were Microaggressions, power of mentor-ship, automation and more.
Django Chat: HorseRecords with Andy Ide
Andy Ide is the creator of HorseRecords, a comprehensive Horse Husbandry App written in Django. We discuss his 20+ year career as a programmer, the local to production gap in Django, django-unicorn, htmx, and more.
Django application and library for importing and exporting data with admin integration.
Write advanced filename patterns using the Format Format String Syntax.