Django security releases issued: 4.1.6, 4.0.9, and 3.2.17
The new security release fixes a potential denial-of-service attack.
DjangoCon US 2023 Confirmed
It will take place in Durham, North Carolina, at the Durham Convention Center on October 16-20, 2023. More details to come.
The Django Developer's Guide to Vite
An easy way to add JavaScript to your Django projects via Vite, which bills itself as next generation frontend tooling.
Django: migrations by choice
How to update choice lists in Django models without rolling a migration every time.
django-crispy-forms 2.0a1 - Show & Tell
The alpha release for django-crispy-forms
is out. This is a widely used package and the maintainers are looking for people to test it out and provide any feedback.
Official Django REST Framework Tutorial - A Beginners Guide
A 4.1 update to this lengthy beginner-friendly guide to the official Django REST Framework tutorial. Also comes with GitHub repo of the final code.
LearnDjango - How to Install Django
A beginner-friendly guide to properly installing Django 4.1. It covers the command line, installing Python 3.11, virtual environments, Django itself, and starting up the Django welcome page.
Django Chat #132: MongoDB with Mark Smith
Mark is a developer advocate at MongoDB, longtime Django developer, and co-chair of DjangoCon Europe 2023. We discuss how Mongo can work well alongside Django, type hinting, Rust, and more.

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AdminConfirmMixin is a mixin for ModelAdmin that adds confirmations to changes, additions and actions.