DSF calls for applicants for a Django Fellow
After five years as part of the Django Fellowship program, Carlton Gibson is stepping down. There is a new Fellow position available. Please consider applying.
Python 3.11.2
Python 3.11.2 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations.
Python 3.11.2, 3.10.10, and 3.12.0 alpha 5
These releases include bugfixes, security releases, and even a new alpha release.
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SaaS Pegasus
Django-powered SaaS boilerplate for your project. Get a head start and launch faster than you dreamed possible.
Standout features in Django 4.2
Django Fellow Mariusz Felisiak walks us through some of the more notable features coming in Django 4.2 in early April 2023.
What Django Deployment is Really About
A high-level look at four overall areas that make Django deployment somewhat challenging.
pre-commit: How to create hooks for unsupported tools
Adam Johnson shows us how to use pre-commit for unsupported tools like stylelint and jpegoptim.
DjangoCon Europe - Call for Proposals
Full information is now available on talks at DjangoCon Europe in Edinburgh this year. The deadline is February 27th!
Django Static Files and Templates
How to configure static files for local development and production.
Deploying a Django App to Google App Engine
A detailed look at deploying to Google App Engine with a Postgres instance.
Django Docs
Django 4.2: Writing your first Django app, part 8
New in Django 4.2 docs is a part 8 section that introduces third-party packages. Tim Schilling took the lead on this along with help from others at DjangoCon US in person and online.
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Upgrade Django
Upgrade Django is a simple cheat sheet to Django versions and releases with additional observations from REVSYS on the most exciting highlights, gotchas, and other information from their extensive experience upgrading clients' Django applications.
nh3 is an HTML sanitization library and looks like a more performant bleach replacement.