Announcing a new Sponsorship Program for Python Packaging
The Python Package Index (PyPI) responds to 800 million requests and delivers 200 million packages totalling 400 terabytes during the typical day. Our users include hobbyists, scientists, companies, students, governments, nonprofits, and more.
PSF Fellow Members for Q1 2020
Congratulations to Django Individual members Tom Christie and Kenneth Love being named PSF Fellow Members for Q1 2020!
The above members have contributed to the Python ecosystem by teaching Python, creating education material, contributing to circuitpython, contributing to and maintaining packaging, organizing Python events and conferences, starting Python communities in their home countries, and overall being great mentors in our community. Each of them continues to help make Python more accessible around the world. To learn more about the new Fellow members, check out their links above.
psycopg3: a first report — Daniele Varrazzo
psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL driver for Python. In this article, Daniele talks about the development of version 3 which would add async support.
Hyphens vs Underscores in Django
To underscore or not to underscore that is the question that Tim Allen explores along with dashes.
How Django Uses Metaclasses For Data Modelling
A look at taking advantage of Django's powerful Meta classes.
Django File and Image Uploads Tutorial
Learn how to implement file and image uploading in Django by building a basic Instagram clone.
How to Provide Test Fixtures for Django Models in Pytest
A detailed tutorial using the pytest-django plugin to make writing new test cases and fixtures a breeze.
Postgresql: Better security for Django Applications
A demonstration of Postgres schema and roles to ensure that Django application privileges are limited appropriately.
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Django for Professionals book
Take your Django skills to the next level. Learn how to build production-ready Django websites using Docker, PostgreSQL, environment variables, permissions, performance, security, deployment, and more.
Django Chat #58 - Translations
Django has a powerful built-in translations framework that is discussed with Andrew Knight. Topics include internationalization vs localization, common gotchas, Django’s internal translations team, and more.
Django Riffs #4 - Building User Interfaces
A look at templates, the primary tool that Django provides to build user interfaces in your Django app.
From Tesorio, a relatively new package to anonymize production data so it can be safely used in not-so-safe environments
A Django app to support phone number verification using the security code sent via SMS.
Django application providing isolation for model instances created during setUpTestData.