A Quick and Dirty Guide on How to Install Packages for Python
Python core developer, Brett Cannon, walks us through the various ways to install something with Python.
A Month in the Life of a DSF Board Member
A look at the work of Board Members on the Django Software Foundation, the non-profit that runs Django.
Using Markdown in Django
Describes the development of a Markdown extension to address challenges in managing content using Markdown in Django sites.
DjangoCongress JP 2020 was canceled
DjangoCongress JP has been canceled due to the spread of the coronavirus.
Django QuerySet Examples (with SQL code included)
Covers commonly used Django QuerySet examples with SQL code.
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Django Chat #59 - JustDjango with Matthew Freire
JustDjango is a popular YouTube channel and website dedicated to Django learning resources. Discussion covers how Matthew learned Django, building the website itself, payments, mentors, and more.
A starter project with email authentication powered by django-allauth, social authentication, static files, Bootstrap, etc.
Django Icons is a set of template tags which makes using icons from Font Awesome or even adding your own easier than copy and pasting HTML snippets everywhere.