
Updates to Django

As you probably already know, the Django 5.0 alpha is released!!! This means we've now entered a testing period for 5.0 and new features accepted into Django will be part of 5.1. I want to give a massive congratulations to everyone who has been involved in 5.0 - it is a really fantastic release!

Last week we had 22 pull requests merged into Django by 11 different contributors - including 4 first time contributors! Congratulations to Toan Vuong, Fabian Braun, Arian and Clément Escolano for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!

The final feature of 5.0 was adding support for prefetching GenericForeignKeys via a new class GenericPrefetch. Yet another fantastic feature! You can see an example of how this should be used in the documentation here:

We're hoping for lots of testing of Django 5.0 over the next couple of months to ensure we have a stress free Christmas when the final release is ready in December.

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