Django Developers Survey 2023
The Django Developers Survey is wrapping up for the year. Please do take a few minutes to fill it out. It is the ONLY way for the Django community to get an unbiased sense of actual usage, which helps guide new features and updates.
Python Developers Survey Numbers for 2022!
The results of the sixth official annual Python Developers Survey are now out.
Updates to Django
As you probably already know, the Django 5.0 alpha is released!!! This means we've now entered a testing period for 5.0 and new features accepted into Django will be part of 5.1. I want to give a massive congratulations to everyone who has been involved in 5.0 - it is a really fantastic release!
Last week we had 22 pull requests merged into Django by 11 different contributors - including 4 first time contributors! Congratulations to Toan Vuong, Fabian Braun, Arian and Clément Escolano for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!
The final feature of 5.0 was adding support for prefetching GenericForeignKeys via a new class GenericPrefetch
. Yet another fantastic feature!
You can see an example of how this should be used in the documentation here:
We're hoping for lots of testing of Django 5.0 over the next couple of months to ensure we have a stress free Christmas when the final release is ready in December.
The myth of the myth of learning styles
“Four different learning styles” has been debunked, but learners still have to learn how they learn, and choose the paths and materials that are right for them.
The #ViewSource Affordance
The creator of HTMX, Carson Gross, with another very thoughtful post on the current state of the web, lamenting the loss of Right-Click-View-Source As Culture.
Building A RisingWave Connector for Django ORM
RisingWave is a powerful analytical database engine that can ingest streaming data sources and offers a performant way to query data.
Testathon with Django 5.0 release
An online event to test the newly released alpha version in honor of Hacktoberfest.
Donate to DjangoCon Africa financial assistance fund
DjangoCon Africa is entirely run by volunteers, on a non-profit basis. They are raising funds to support the attendance of speakers and other attendees whose financial resources will not stretch to cover the cost of international travel without facing hardship.
DjangoCongress JP 2023
DjangoCongress JP is a conference for the Django Web framework in Japan. If you are a seasoned Django pro or just starting, DjangoCongress JP is for you.
Django Day Copenhagen 2023
Djangonauts from in and around Denmark are meeting for the fourth edition of Django Day Copenhagen, to be held on October 6th. It will be a full day of talks, either to be experienced online or in-person.
DjangoCon US October 23rd Virtual Sprints
Can't attend DjangoCon US in person? You can still attend the sprints virtually.
Design Articles
Responsive type scales with composable CSS utilities
Learn how to create fluid type scales using modern CSS techniques like calc(), clamp(), and CSS vars for adaptive and responsive typography.
Installing Django 4.2 on PythonAnywhere
A recent video to accompany the online Django for Everyone course by Charles Severance.
A faster way to write CRUD views in Django
A 2-minute demo of writing CRUD views the traditional way and then faster with Carlton Gibson's new Neapolitan
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The Django Styleguide
A pragmatic approach for building Django apps of all sizes. Find it on GitHub today!
Updated for Django 4.2, a one-file and several-line (mostly imports) implementation of "Hello, World."
django-upgrade now supports Django 5.0
Automatically upgrade your Django projects. Now, with Django 5.0 support.
Django and Tailwind integration based on the prebuilt Tailwind CSS CLI. django-tailwind-cli was recently rewritten.