Updates to Django

Today 'Updates to Django' is presented by Raffaella Suardini from Djangonaut Space!

Last week we had 15 pull requests merged into Django by 14 different contributors - including 4 first time contributors! Congratulations to Shafiya Adzhani, Cosmic Process, Moein Bbp, and Aaron Linville for having their first commits merged into Django - welcome on board!

News in Django 5.1:

  • inside OPTIONS, the option "init_command" is now supported on SQLite to specify pragma options <sqlite-init-command> upon connection.
  • django.contrib.gis.gdal.GeometryCollection and its subclasses now support measured geometries via the new attribute .OGRGeometry.is_measured and m properties, along with the .OGRGeometry.set_measured method.

In Django 5.0 a bug was fixed where filtering on foreign keys wasn't working if the field wasn't in .ModelAdmin.list_filter. It's also solved a crash involving decorators (@sensitive_variables and @sensitive_post_parameters) when loading functions from .pyc files.

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