2021 Django Software Foundation Board Nominations
Nominations for the 2021 DSF Board of Directors is now open. This is an excellent opportunity to help advance Django. We can’t do it without volunteers, such as yourself. For the most part, the time commitment is a few hours per month. Anyone including current Board members, DSF Members, or the public at large can apply to the Board. It is open to all who wish to participate.
Additional DSF Funding Uses
A thread on the Django Forum about potential ways the Django Software Foundation could expand in coming years.
Tailwind CSS v2.0 – Tailwind CSS
This is a major upgrade to Tailwind CSS, a popular CSS library commonly used in Django projects.
Read the Docs Blog: Announcing Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Grant to Expand the Interoperability of Scientific Documentation
Read the Docs received a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Essential Open Source for Science (EOSS) program. Find out more about their plans.
Django Best Practices: User Permissions
An overview of three different ways to set user permissions with recommendations on when to use each approach.
Django Single File Templates
Žan Anderle walks us through how Django could work with Single File Templates using his proof-of-concept library django-sft.
Make A Hugo Static Blog Inside A Django App
Matt Layman demonstrates how--and potentially why--you can include a Go-powered Hugo static blog within a Django app.
How to use Serializers in the Django Python web framework
An article on understanding serialization, used by Django REST Framework to transform data into a format (typically JSON) that can be stored and transmitted via an API.
How I learned to code & built a real software product in ~ 6 months
How the author learned to code and built a live Django site in only 6 months.
OCTO Speaker Series #4 Simon Willison
A GitHub interview with Simon Willison, Django co-creator and creator of Datasette, an open source tool for exploring and publishing data based on his past experience as a data journalist at the UK's Guardian newspaper.
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Support the DSF via Amazon Smile
If you shop at Amazon, select DSF via Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your purchase price will be donated to the Django Software Foundation.
Real Python #35: Security and Authorization in Your Python Web Applications
Sam Scott, chief technology officer from Oso, talks about the typical security and authorization challenges developers face. He discusses building an engine on top of your existing Flask or Django app. We cover the concept of policies, business logic, and some common paradigms.
JustDjango #5 - Herman Martinus of Bear Blog
Herman is a software developer, indie hacker and creator of Bear Blog, a website that lets you start blogging while keeping your pages tiny, fast and optimized for search engines.
A forum framework for Django providing a way to build community-driven websites.