2021 DSF Board Nominations
Nominations are open until November 30th for next year's Django Software Foundation board.
Migrating to a Custom User Model mid-project in Django
A nice summary of the steps needed to migrate to a custom user model mid-project.
The trouble with transaction.atomic by David Seddon
Does Django's transaction.atomic trip you up? Us too.
Django: Testing for Missing Migrations
A short pytest test for missing migrations. Probably useful in every Django project.
PostgreSQL Benchmarks: Apple ARM M1 MacBook Pro 2020
If you are curious how PostgreSQL performs on Apple Silicon chips then here you go.
The hidden Django anti-pattern preventing your prod rollback
Hopefully, you won't need to rollback your migrations in production, but if you do you will want to watch out for this pitfall.
Pyjamas 2020 - December 5th, 2020
24 hours streaming of talks about Python and connecting with Python communities around the world that you can access at home.
Design Articles
Learn Tailwind CSS - A Beginners Guide
A beginner-friendly guide to starting with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first approach CSS framework that is growing rapidly in popularity.
Running Django on an iPad
Juan De los santos shows us how to run Django on an iPad using Pythonista.
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Support the DSF via Amazon Smile
If you shop at Amazon, select DSF via Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your purchase price will be donated to the Django Software Foundation.
DjangoChat #79 - Django Software Foundation: 2021 Board Nominations
Nominations are due November 30th for next year’s Board of the Django Software Foundation, the non-profit that runs Django. We discuss the DSF’s mission, day-to-day work, and how to become more involved in the community.
Django Riffs #10 - User Auth
A look at working with users in a Django project. We'll see Django's tools for identifying users and checking what those users are permitted to do on your website.
Running In Production - School Assessments with Django
Brightpath is a formative school assessment tool for 800+ schools in Australia built with Django and running in production since 2017 on AWS.
Debugging Celery is a pain, but Clearly making seeing logs and debugging your celery cluster much easier.
Flat JSON widget for Django, used and maintained by the OpenWISP project.