Wagtail Documentation Sprint
A Wagtail Sprint is occurring February 4th and 5th, 2021 focused on documentation: tooling, writing, editing, content reorganization, design etc. It will be run from Torchbox’s offices in the UK, where anyone is welcome to join us, if it’s safe and legal, but we expect most people to participate remotely.
Wagtail 2.11 just released
Features include internationalization and improved image and document management.
Efficient Reloading in Django’s Runserver With Watchman
Watchman is an efficient file watcher open sourced by Facebook, for which Django support was added in 2.2. In this article, Adam Johnson demonstrates how to use it with runserver
for improved performance.
Reading CloudFlare headers in a Django middleware
Adam breaks down how to find a client’s IP address when using a CDN like Cloudflare.
5 Tips to Speed up Your Docker Image Build
Docker is powerful but can be very time consuming. Here are 5 good tips for speeding up your image builds.
Which Django Version Should I Use?
Matt Layman provides some advice on thinking about which Django version to use in your projects.
EuroPython 2019 - Tom Forbes on Writing a Python autoreloader
Tom Forbes added watchman support to Django 2.2 and in this talk goes under-the-hood to explain how autoreloading works in Django (quite complicated!).
Multi-vendor Ecommerce Website using Django
From Code with Stein, a thorough look at building a Django Ecommerce site with multiple vendors. An ongoing series.
PyConline AU 2020 - Speeding up Your Docker Image Build by Vladislav Supalov
A talk on frequent sources of slowness when building Docker images for Python projects and how to avoid/fix them.
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Running in Production - Muze is a Freeform iOS Chat Application
Dash Winterson talks about building a new type of chat app for iOS using Django and Python on the back-end. It’s hosted on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and has been up and running since mid 2020.
Fork of aschn/drf-tracking so that we can maintain and release newer versions
A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files that can then be easily deployed to a service like Netlify.
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