Django security releases issued: 3.1.6, 3.0.12, and 2.2.18
These releases address a "low" severity issue but it is still highly recommended to upgrade your Django version as soon as possible.
You can now register for PyCon US 2021!
PyCon US tickets are affordably priced for all levels from students to corporate ticket holders and financial aid is available. They have a special patron level for anyone who wants to see if their bosses are paying attention to their expense reports.
How to Limit Test Time in Django’s Test Framework
Adam Johnson shows us how to implement a test time limit that automatically fails any long-running tests.
Speed up pip downloads in Docker with BuildKit’s new caching
Itamar Turner-Trauring shows us how to use Docker BuildKit's new caching to speed up pip install times.
Docker, Django, Traefik , and IntercoolerJS as a SaaS Stack in 2021
A detailed look at one SaaS companies Django-based stack.
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Build a Django-powered podcast app
Rephonic's new podcast API gives you searchable access to reach, demographics, contacts, social media metrics and more across 1.9m+ podcasts. Podcasting is growing fast and there's still a lot of low-hanging fruit.
Django Chat #84: Wagtail, React, & Gatsby - Dawn Wages
Dawn is a Wagtail Core Member and regular Django/Python conference speaker. We discuss being community-taught, working with React and Gatsby, and making the transition to full-time consulting work.
Talk Python - Deploying and running Django web apps in 2021
Will Vincent and Carlton Gibson, hosts of the Django Chat podcast, appeared as guests on the popular Talk Python podcast with Michael Kennedy to talk about deployments, security, and more.