Jazzband joins the PSF, custom relationships in Django, DRF Permissions, cleaning up your test suite, and more.
Add a Webhook receiver to Django, deploy on CloudRun, and a podcast on testing featuring Jeff Triplett.
DjangoCon Europe, understanding sessions, nginx, simpler migrations in deployment, and more.
Django models tutorial, disabling FloC, using Django Check, monitoring Django apps, and more.
Multi-tenancy tutorial, GeoDjango tips, new security headers in Django, and more.
New Django security updates, Python versions, PyCon CFV, articles and projects!
PyPI Project Manager, DjangoCon Europe Early Bird Tickets, and tons more.
Django: Technical Board, Wagtail , Postgres Connection Management, Django Tailwind v2, and much more.
Updated Django Debug Toolbar, DEFNA board updates, and more.
Django 3.2, security updates, Python 3.8 and 3.9, lots of updates, and articles!