Translations, Image Uploads, PyTest Tutorials, and More
Django bug fixes, pyproject.toml, secrets, and more!
Wagtail roadmap, lots of Django, a new(ish) JS framework that we like, and more working remote tips. Stay home and wash your hands!
🎉 Async views are in Django 3.1. What a week, please wash your hands!
New Django Project governance model, a PyCon US update, Python 3.7.7, and much more!
Django 1.11 LTS's final release, security updates, native Django websockets, LiveViews, and more!
Django architecture deep-dive
Updated Wagtail, a backward-incompatible Postgres/Docker update, lots of testing, and more!
GitHub Sponsors, new book, DRF tutorials and more
New Django security releases, a new Django Podcast, and more!