Django 4.1.8 bugfix, new Django Fellow, top 10 third-party packages, new Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12 alpha, optimization tips, and more.
Denormalization with JSON Fields, a chat about the future of Django, the N+1 problem reconsidered, and more.
Dynamic search with htmx, tests for the admin models, PyGotham 2023, and more.
Caching DRF, how virtual environments work, django-simple-history deep dive, and more.
Python 3.12.0 alpha 6 released, django-htmx tutorial, testing multiple Python versions, and more.
Formatting gone wrong, local dev environments, a Django/HTMX notification system, and more.
Google Summer of Code, template caching, django-upgrade release, and more.
django-crispy-forms 2.0 release, DjangoCon Europe tickets available, Django 4.2 podcast, and more.
DjangoCon Europe CFP, standout features in Django 4.2, deploying Django to GAE, and more.
DjangoCon US 2023 dates, Python's disappointing superpowers, how to install Django, and more.