DjangoCon Europe updates, a boatload of new articles, async reflections, and more.
How to learn Django in 2020, Django Admin 2FA with TOTP support, testing tutorials, and more.
Django conference updates, Django 3.1b, PSF elections, and much more.
Django/Tailwind advice, an updated Stripe tutorial, and Hello World implemented 5 different ways.
BLM, new testing projects, environment variables tips, and more.
Pipenv returns! PSF elections, plenty of projects, and even more Django.
Admin Accessibility, new pip alpha resolver, Virtual PyCon/Django meetups, optimizing Django articles, and more.
Django 3.1 alpha, Wagtail 2.9, Python 3.8.3, and more.
Django 3.0.6 release, new PyCon2020 videos, testing tutorials, and more.
What's new in Python 3.9, Webpack, Poetry, PyCon 2020 videos, and more!