Speed up your queries, pre-commit tips, end-to-end testing, Djangonaut program, and more.
Bad XKCD map projections, PyPI token scanning, Wagtail, another case for function-based views, and more!
Python 3.12.0rc1, Generative Agents with Django (sort-of), ORM Cheatsheet, a Retargetable Python Compiler, and more!
Wagtail 5.1, testing with Playwright, 3 git configuration tips, and more.
16 pull requests merged into Django last week, using Ruff with Django, Django forms with Alpine.js, and more.
DjangoCon US and AU's programs, Python Web Conf 2023 Talks on YouTube, bulk updating multiple repos, new Python podcast, and more.
Python 3.12.0 beta 4 released, custom template tags, DjangoCon US 2023 talks announced, and more.
Updates to Django, annual PyCharm campaign, Managers vs QuerySets, and more.
More updates to Django, lazy QuerySets, modern CSS solutions, DjangoCon Europe videos, and more.
PSF Election, Wagtail new release, Django + Redis tutorial, building search DSLs with Django, and more.